Local Businesses

Monday, April 13, 2009

Why won

I emailed the library two times (to two different people) asking if they had a paying job (shelving books or something) for a 16 year old. Both times they said that there are only volunteer jobs for people under 18. (It's not like I'm going to be handling cash or anything) That's what the first librarian told me and the other person didn't say it in those exact words but said that there are no paying jobs available for me, I guess they didn't want to say it the way the other person did. But is that true? When did that start that? Is it just because of the economy or has it always been like that? I really wanted to work there as my first job. Since I only got an email response do you think I should go in person and ask if I would be able to work there/ask for an application? Would that help? Any help is appreciated!

it does not sound unusual. i have worked in libraries for 30 years and the only 16 year olds i saw were there on the high school work experience program. Why not go in person yes but ask for a voluntary job if you can spare even half a day a week. It will give you experience and referees that the next 16 yo might not have.

Most libraries can get all the under 18 workers they want as volunteers. In some places like my province, high school students have to find 80 hours of volunteer work during their 4 years of high school to graduate. So libraries, YMCA and a lot of other social services get flooded with requests to volunteer.

The volunteers have to do a creditable job to claim those hours for credit to graduate. This is like communist Cuba!

Well you could just volunteer there. Libraries have more volunteer positions than paying ones so if they're saying they have nothing open as far as actual employment then they don't. They're not going to pay somebody when they have others willing to do the job for free.

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