Local Businesses

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Advice, having been unemployed for over a year now?

I'm asking for some real advise here, not sympathy.

I was working for a carpenter and loved it.

I got laid off, and started working "under the table" for a different carpenter. And now that's gone too.

Ive been denied unemployment benefits, and the worker retraining which I would like to take is in a declining industry, so I can't get funding for it.

So now I have a gap in my employment history spanning more than one year, and I obviously need to get a real job.

But how do I dig myself out of this hole?

oftentimes, the best place to start is with one of the temp services where you can build some history and also, have the luxury of saying you are currently working.

look to everyone for help. mention to everyone you meet wherever you go that you are looking and would appreciate news of any openings anywhere.

make a good effort everyday to look for work.

p/u your local yellow pages and call every company you could ever imagine yourself working for, telling them you are specifically interested in working for their company due to reputation, proximity to home, etc.

good luck. you can do it.

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